My Second Grade Memories

What I will remember most about second grade is, the community time that the classes spent together and the great people presentations. The funniest thing that I remember about second grade is Wayside school a hilarious book about a rude teacher named Mrs. Gorf who turns children into apples (long story tall! Read the book and find out the school is thirty stories high. Get it? Anyway, second grade is super fun and I’ll never forget it.

What Grade Are You In?

What Is Your favorite Memory?


Lions are large wild cats. A male adult lion can reach about 9 feet (3 meters) from nose to tail. They may weigh up to 560 pounds (250 kilograms). Lions are called the”king of beasts” for their beauty and power. Most lions live in Africa. They mainly live in savannas. Savannas are grasslands with scattered trees. A lions fur is brownish-yellow, the same color as dry grass. This coloration helps the lion to blend in with its surroundings. Lions lived throughout much of Asia and Europe. But only a small number of wild lions remain outside Africa, in India.


Please comment down below


I live in Oregon. It is a beautiful place. I like Oregon because I know 100 hikes that you can do. My favorite places in Oregon are the Willamette river and the Oregon Coast. Some of my favorite things to do in Oregon are riding bikes and going to school. At school we learn a lot. We learn about great people who changed the world. After studying great people we are moving on to animals and their habitats. We read a lot in school.

Tell me what state you live in and what you like most about it.

Great People in History

We are studying great people. I am Anne Frank. Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt , Germany. She had one sister named Margot who was three years older then Anne. She had one cat named Moorjie. Anne Frank is famous for writing a diary in WWII and sharing it with the world. They lived in a secret annex for two years. Anne Franks favorite colors are green and red. In her free time she liked to read or write in her  diary. these are some interesting facts you may not no about Anne Frank. Did you know that her diary got translated to over 60 different languages? Did you know that Anne Franks diary was named after her friend Kitty? Anne Frank had courage, determination and creativity.

Tell me who your great person is and what there major achievements are.

Nelson Mandela

Africa was ruled by white European settlers. They 
owned much of the land and made all the laws. Toys 
and free time. Children in Mandela's village made 
their own toys using clay and sticks. They played 
games such as hide-and-seek and tag. The boys 
enjoyed stick fighting. Transportation. Many white 
people drove cars, but Mandela and most others in 
his village walked. Mandela enjoyed boxing for exercise.

Great People In History

In school we are getting ready to study great people. Each 2nd grader will pick three great people that they want to study. Our teachers will pick one of are three choices. My choices were Anne Frank, Lucille Ball, and Amelia Earhart. Comment down below and tell me what your choices would be.


Snow days!

Over the past few days we’ve had a lot of snow. We went sledding, built snowmen, drank hot chocolate, and played with friends. I went sledding with Chloe and Cara. It was fun, crazy and beautiful. I loved the snow days.

What did you do on your snow day? Leave me a comment below.